Curated Crypto News

Crypto news carefully sourced for accuracy and market impact. We aim to help cut through noise and hone your insights!

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Welcome to Curated Crypto News, your source for the most relevant, impactful and up to date information on events in the crypto world. Here we slice through the hype and mindless fact reporting to give you articles that have been critically analysed for meaningful content. When we post something we pay attention to the reputability of the source and the potential value the information could have for informing investment decisions. There will be no FOMO or FUD.

In short, we want to provide both a mature, global overview of the state of crypto alongside timely focused scoops that give early insight into individual coins. A lot of information is collated daily here on our channel because of the rapid rate of growth and innovation in the Blockchain space. There may be 90+ articles on a busy day, but we aim to provide summaries that allow you to decide what's relevant to you and avoid information overload. Use us to save precious time and aid due diligence in your crypto endeavours.

We're your lightweight, quick-loading tool to keep abreast of everything that matters in Blockchain and Crypto. This channel is designed to help you discover new developments, gauge sentiment, protect your interests, grow wealth and know the state of the market.

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