English Telegram Group

Learn and practice English on Telegram! To join follow this link: https://t.me/theEnglishTelegram English Exercises Telegram Channel: https://t.me/EnglishExerciseZ

#english  #english_exercises  #english_group 

View or join English Telegram Group group in your Telegram, by clicking on the "View Group" button.


Learn and practice English using these Telegram Groups. Telegram is a messaging app that allows you to text people, send and receive pictures, videos, and voice notes, it has grown up quickly recently and at the time of writing this thread, it has more than 500,000 active users! You can use this tool to improve your English language by communicating with people from different parts of the world. You can make friends and practice your English with them, they may correct your mistakes if you make ones, if you would like to join us, just follow the link next to each group you want to join, but before you join read these notes first:

  1. Read the description of each group you join.
  2. Don't spam to avoid being blocked by bots.
  3. It's recommended to mute the group.
  4. It's also recommended to hide your phone number. (you can do this from the settings. Scroll down below, if you wanna know how)

Join English Telegram Groups:

Join only one group from the groups above, please.

That group above was created for practicing spoken English so only use voice notes, please.

In the channel above, you can find English exercises, the correct answer will be displayed right after you answer.

Here's how to hide your phone number on Telegram:

Open Telegram and tap Settings located in the lower right-hand corner. Tap Privacy and Security. Tap on Phone number. Tap either My Contacts (your contacts will see your phone number) or Nobody (no one will see your phone number)

If you have a good Telegram group or Channel for English learners, comment here on this thread :).

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