Longevity InTime Immortality Digital Health Channel

We discuss longevity, AgeTech, BioTech, Covid We develop online tracking technology of full range of diseases at their earliest stages. AntiObesity in App Store & BMI Disease Tracker in Google play. Download AntiCoronaVirus app from www.intime.digital

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Every day 150,000 people die in the world. 3 in every 4 deaths are categorised as being from age-related diseases.

The main causes of Death include Heart Attack, Stroke, Lung and other Respiratory diseases, Cancer, Alzheimer's disease, and other types of neurodegenerative diseases.

Global Life expectancy is now 72. This is an astounding change in the last two centuries as in 1800 the global life expectancy was 29. It is especially impressive since 1950 when life expectancy was just 46. 

While clearly this increase is to be celebrated the period of time during which people are critically ill has extended also. 

As deaths from infectious diseases and childhood mortality become much less frequent coupled with a decline in impact from heart attacks among those in middle-age there are now more and more long term sufferers of diseases like cancers and neurodegenerative diseases. 

These diseases can lead to many years of suffering and the need for the state to spend vast sums of money in care facilities and services.

The current paradigm of healthcare centres on treating these diseases when they present clinically. In recent years progress in understanding of human biology has shown the potential benefits of moving upstream from these diseases and looking to intervene in the deterioration that precedes the disease. We normally refer to this deterioration, holistically, as Aging.

This re-examination leads to treating degenerative diseases in a preventative manner as well as curative. In what is becoming the most exciting area of human pursuit and exploding into, quite possibly, the biggest industry of all time the Longevity Era has begun.

It is important to emphasize that we are talking about healthy longevity, this is sometimes referred to as Healthspan. This indicates working towards better health as people advance in years or a longer period of life in good health. Any accompanying maximum Lifespan increases are as yet theoretical. 

The social and financial benefits of an increase in Healthspan are now well elucidated. Many refer to this as the Longevity Dividend.

The Longevity Dividend indicates the savings in costs of caring for people over an extended period of ill health and also the potential contributions of older individuals to a productive society.

There are also individual, family and social benefits to a deeper and longer integration of the wisdom accumulated over time to each community

This channel devoted to longevity. undoing aging, anti-age, extending active lifespan topics

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