Spiritism Divine Spark

Discover what Spiritism is and find answers to the great mysteries of the Humanity. Learn about the "unknown" and understand the supernatural. Others channels: @centelhadiv (Portuguese) @centelladiv (Spanish) @etincellediv (French)

#spiritism  #spirit  #spiritualism  #kardec  #religion 

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This channel aims to clarify and spread the knowledge of Spiritism and its consequences.

That one who doesn't know it, before to impute it falses statements, should carefully inform yourself about the content and with the sieve of the reason, and if so, to conceive your own opinion about it.

Spiritism is at the same time scientific and philosophical doctrine that aims to explain the laws of Nature. Large part of the vicissitudes of Humanity is due the non-understanding of such laws. Spiritism comes, therefore, to disclose them.

Addressed to the ones of good faith who sincerely desire to instruct yourself, Spiritist Doctrine shows, by itself, that the objections made to it derive of flighty mind and too hastly formed judgment.

Here you can find answers in an organized way to some of the great mysteries of Humanity: Where did we come from, where are we going and for what purpose do we exist!

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