Professor M

Interesting facts about life, psychology, economics, & finance. I'm a finance professor, after all.

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I'm an Assistant Professor of Finance at Georgetown University. I got my Ph.D. in Economics from Harvard University, an MSc in Finance and Economics from the London School of Economics, and a BSc in Economics from the Higher School of Economics (Moscow).

In this channel, I want to share my thinking about life through the lens of finance, psychology, and, more generally, critical thinking.

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If you're new to the channel, here're some entries to explore.

Top 5: The Davidov Effect, The right answer is wrong, To achieve a goal, seek to overachieve it, I'm playing all the right notes, but not necessarily in the right order, Play chess when others play checkers

Finance: Life is a portfolio, Time is more than money, Risk vs. Uncertainty, Uncertainty now, Diversification is good, Diversification is bad, Diversification: good or bad?, The lifecycle of diversification, Is concentration necessary or sufficient for building wealth?, Prices as a compass, The Ascent of Money, Real estate buyers kill two birds with one dollar

Craftsmanship: You are what you talk about, Little strokes fell great oaks, To achieve a goal, seek to overachieve it, Open (Andre Agassi), Enthusiasm is the mother of effort, Born to Run, I'm playing all the right notes, but not necessarily in the right order, The Davidov Effect, Good to Great, Life teaches how to code, Kitchen Confidential

Psychology: Fear does not imply risk, Feel like a billionaire, What if you had a Genie's lamp?, Rational decisions crave emotions, Emotions act like glue for memories, Dog University, Deep Survival, Empathy as a muscle

Language: Talk about your feelings: EQ and vocabulary, Word mastery shows the understanding of life, At a loss for words, Born a Crime, The Last Emperor (1987), The Sense of Style, Human-to-Machine and Human-to-Human

Economics: What's left unsaid, says it all, Question how the sausage is made, Less is more, Sunk cost fallacy

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