Big Data Professionals

Big data, Hadoop, MongoDB Professional Channel

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The field of big data is quite vast and it can be a very daunting task for anyone who starts learning big data & its related technologies. The big data technologies are numerous and it can be overwhelming to decide from where to begin.

This is the reason I thought of writing this article. This article provides you a guided path to start your journey to learn big data and will help you land a job in big data industry. The biggest challenge we face is identifying the right role as per our interest and skillsets.

To tackle this problem, I have explained each big data role in detail and also considering different job roles of engineers and computer science graduates.

I have tried to answer all your questions which you have or will encounter while learning big data. To help you choose a path according to your interest I have added a tree map which will help you identify the right path.


Table of Content

How to get started?

What roles are up for grabs in the big data industry?

What is your profile, and where do you fit in?

Mapping roles to Big Data profiles

How to be a big data engineer?

What is the big data jargon?

Systems and architecture you need to know

Learn to design solutions and technologies

Big Data Learning Path



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