I Look For

Find what you look for near you, the practical and efficient way. Simple, Easy, and Fast!

#search  #find  #local  #near  #sell 

Start communication with I Look For bot in your Telegram, by clicking on the "Send Message" button.


This bot helps you find the person or item you seek nearby.

You only need to turn on your device's location feature and then start typing the item you are looking for.

With this bot, you can search for anything!

such as room for rent, a local repairman, second-hand or new items, a housekeeper, a massage therapist, or anything you can imagine!

The items that are closest to you will be listed by this bot.

If you have any items that you'd like to add to the bot, simply click the "Add" button and follow the steps.

Start having fun with the "I Look For" bot!

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