Centrol Trader

The bot provides real-time info about thousands of stock symbols and various crypto tokens.

#finance  #trading  #crypto  #stocks  #algo 

Start communication with Centrol Trader bot in your Telegram, by clicking on the "Send Message" button.


Hello from the Centrol Trader Bot 👋

To get stock data:

/s -> stock /s AAPL

To get cryptocurrency data:

/c -> crypto /c BTC

By default, we provide USD prices. To get data for EUR or GBP, simply add currency as a suffix. e.g. /c BTCEUR.

*Unfortunately at this time we can only provide price data for crypto tokens, we are looking to provide more data as we grow. *

If you have any suggestions or feature requests, add them here: https://share.centrol.io/e/feedback

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