Bio Discussion

A discussion group for CRISPR, Bioinformatics, Biotech, Computer Science and Transhumanism, and investing into Biotech.

#biotech  #transhumanism  #crispr  #investing 

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This group is made up out of people with different expertise. (Highly trained) professional Biologists, Coders, (CS) Students, Investors, Artists, Bioinformaticists, People/beginners with a general/pop culture interest in Crispr and/or Transhumanism, Biohackers etc. 

The reasons we made this (fast growing) TG group:

1) So that people can talk freely/openly about these subjects without feeling harshly judged. 

2) Having a platform where people from totally different backgrounds(and countries/ages/sex/ethnically etc) can start new non-profit and for-profit projects. 

If u see a discussion or idea that u find “dumb”, “pop-culture” or to “beginner-like” please don’t judge too harsh. There is plenty of room in this group also for deep in depth discussions of bio/cs professionals, papers etc. Realize that everyone is coming here for something slightly different and leave them in their value. 

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