Your Daily Dose Of Interesting Facts.

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Fact Stem is an ever-growing knowledge base for the world’s most random and interesting facts.

We have thousands of facts about nearly anything you could think of, from the cutest animals to the most dangerous crimes, there really is something to please everyone here.

Fact Stem was founded on January 1, 2022, based on the idea that it is always good to learn something new every day. It was originally inspired by the wonderful Telegram Channel  “ Google facts “, which is one of our favorite subscriptions on Telegram. There also seemed a decided lack of “interesting fact” style Channel out there where the facts presented were well researched.

From our experience, most such channel have just as many myths or misleading information presented as facts as they do actual facts.  Factstem‘s goal is to raise the bar on that significantly, providing a channel where you know everything on it has been highly researched by amazingly well credentialed authors.

Nobody bats a thousand, of course; we’ve personally encountered numerous errors in some of the best, and most accurate sources for information, such as the OED, Encyclopedia Britannica, Snopes, the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, the QI books (and show), Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader, The Straight Dope, Mental Floss, Neatorama, the Barnhart Concise Dictionary of Etymology, etc. Again, nobody bats a thousand, but like these aforementioned institutions, we try exceptionally hard to make sure everything posted here is perfectly accurate given the current state of human knowledge when we post.

As such, Fact Stem features near daily “interesting fact” articles from various sources. In the extremely rare instances where something is found on this channel that isn’t perfectly accurate, we also re-research the topic at hand and update or clarify some point as necessary.

Somewhat surprisingly (to us), we’ve found that the vast majority of people who subscribe to our channel use at least one fact in there day to day life.

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