Boonk's Whitelists & Presales

Follow this channel for the latest whitelists and presales, DM for business proposals: @boonk_gang_gang

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Welcome all to Boonk's Whitelists & Presales,

The reason this channel was started is to accomodate to the average crypto investor, the one who can't and won't use bots to snipe at fairlaunches, the one who is sick of botted presales and getting rugged/honeypotted on the daily!

Boonk's Whitelists & Presales caters to these investors by providing them daily whitelists to give them a chance to buy-in at a fair price without the need of bots or other external tools. The presales provided on this channel will be thoroughly vetted, however none of the messages/posts in this channel can be deemed as financial advice.

And as always DYOR!

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