
Nonprofit media to Review, Research, Rating, and Disclosure online Businesses and new Techs. Latest news from ICO, IEO, IAO, Startups, Blockchain, Crypto and Scam project. ️ Admin: @Antidolos_admin Site:

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Dolos is the Goddess of trickery, cunning deception, craftiness, treachery and guile.

AntiDolos is a non-profit media that reviews sites, platforms, projects -in general, any kind of business that directly relates to people or seeking to make money through the public- and if there is any doubt or problem, we expose and introduce them to the people.

AntiDolos has several phases and in the first step, we want to focus on the Blockchain and Cryptocurrency market and scrutinizes ICOs, IEOs, and Crypto Exchanges. In the next steps, if you welcome and support this media, we will go to Startups, Games, Bet sites, Apps, Referral projects, Forex teams and more.

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