Voicy - Sounds keyboard

Voicy allows for direct sharing funny meme sounds, voice lines and sound effects. Play and share the best meme directly in Telegram chats!

#meme  #memes  #soundboard  #sound_effect  #funny 

Start communication with Voicy - Sounds keyboard bot in your Telegram, by clicking on the "Send Message" button.


Voicy is the place the discover, create and share sound clips. With the Voicy Sounds bot in Telegram you can share any sound from the Voicy library directly in your group chats and conversation. The entire library with over 500k funny sound memes, voice lines and sound effects can be shared directly within Telegram.

What should I do?

  1. add the @VoicySounds_bot via the link or search into Telegram
  2. Type @VoicySounds_bot in a conversation followed by your search and select the clip you like

Sounds good, right?

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