TeLeBuddyGPT - Your AI-Powered Telegram Companion

TeLeBuddyGPT is an AI-powered Telegram bot designed to enrich your chatting experience. With personalized access to OpenAI's language model, engage in informative, creative, and friendly conversations in one-on-one chats. Try it today.

#openai_api  #openai  #companion  #assistant 

Start communication with TeLeBuddyGPT - Your AI-Powered Telegram Companion bot in your Telegram, by clicking on the "Send Message" button.


Introducing TeLeBuddyGPT, a versatile and intelligent Telegram bot designed to enhance your chatting experience. Powered by OpenAI's advanced language model, TeLeBuddyGPT provides users with a responsive and engaging conversational partner.

Whether you're seeking informative answers, creative suggestions, or simply some friendly banter, TeLeBuddyGPT is the ideal companion for your one-on-one chats.

To ensure a seamless experience, TeLeBuddyGPT enables users to sign up with their own OpenAI API key, providing personalized access to the bot's features. During its beta testing phase, users can enjoy up to 25 messages per day, with plans to increase this limit as improvements are made based on valuable user feedback.

Embrace the future of communication with TeLeBuddyGPT and discover the exciting possibilities that AI-powered conversations have to offer. Try TeLeBuddyGPT today by and start chatting with your new AI buddy!

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