Source Search | Bot

Bot to search for sources of photos and video files, after you send the media file opens a navigation window in which you can quickly and easily select the desired link, bot can also be used in group chat

#search_engine  #sources  #original  #tool  #helpful 

Start communication with Source Search | Bot bot in your Telegram, by clicking on the "Send Message" button.


Bot is designed to quickly find sources using photos or screenshots. You can send a photo as usual, but you can also send a video or gif file (more coming soon). The bot can also be added to a group, no additional rights are required.

If you send a video/gif file, it will be split into several screenshots, it does not guarantee accurate search, it is better to make them yourself or send the most informative fragment, so chances will be higher. Also, the weight of such files is limited (<20Mb), so if the file is larger than that limit, use telegram to compress or trim the video.

After processing, the bot displays the main window where you can cycle through the images and display links to them, if you are not satisfied with the result, try to crop the photo or send another video fragment, you can also send one of the photos in the window repeatedly to the bot, you can go back to all the previous windows.

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