
RaidSharksBot gamifies Twitter raids, enabling your community to like, retweet and comment on tweets directly from Telegram, enhancing engagement and interaction.

#twitter  #raid  #like  #retweet 

Start communication with RaidSharksBot bot in your Telegram, by clicking on the "Send Message" button.


RaidSharksBot allows for raids to be posted directly into your telegram channel. Any twitter post or comment can be raided. You can set a specified amount of targets until the chat is unlocked / unmuted. Once the designated amount of likes/retweets/comments are met then the chat will be unmuted and people can start chatting again. This increases engagement with Twitter from your TG community and prevents the raid from getting lost in the chat. Many new features are being added as well. You can use the /menuraid command to bring up a list of all commands and features.

"In a group chat, admins can use the following commands:

/setlikes [number of likes required] to set a target number of likes for your group's raid sessions. 

/setretweets [number of retweets required] to set a target number of retweets for your group's raid sessions. 

/setcomments [number of comments required] to set a target number of comments for your group's raid sessions.

/settargets [number of targets required] to set all targets, likes, retweets, comments for your group's raid sessions.

 The chat will be automatically muted until the targeted number of likes,retweets and comments is achieved.


/raid [tweet url] to begin the raid session.


/resume to unmute the chat and stop likes counting.

/togglebuttons to hide or show the like and retweet buttons.

/targets show group targets.

/togglefinder to enable and disable raid suggestions from twitter links found in the chat.

/settags text to set tags that will be added at the end of comments.

eg: /settags $SHARX, @raidsharksbot

It's important to time the raids according to Twitter API rate limits: 5 likes per 15 minutes per user, 5 retweets per 15 minutes per user. 

This count resets for each user after 15 minutes from the first like(or retweet).

After the rate limit is reached, the bot will notify the user in how many minutes the limit will be reset."

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