Philadelphia the IMage Guru- IMG

Philadelphia creates images with 'prior clip' which simply means you enter a text, & the bot uses basically artificial intelligence support to deliver an image that has never existed before which challenges the human brain. It delivers, hu

#text_to_image  #prompt  #hallucination  #algorithm 

Start communication with Philadelphia the IMage Guru- IMG bot in your Telegram, by clicking on the "Send Message" button.


Philadelphia creates images with 'prior clip' which simply means you enter a text, & the bot uses basically artificial intelligence support to deliver an image that has never existed before which challenges the human brain. It delivers, human-like images.


1 ==> There's Photo Sample in the 1st menu.

Which helps You Understand The Events In The Given Photo. In This Way, You Can Learn The Prompt Of The Photo You Want To Dream!

It will make a detailed description of the photo.

Users will bee asked to send a photo .

2 ==> Second menu button is Styles: Which will enable you to better respond to the act of making photos that are collocating to what you're dreaming about. The right style, the right photo. You can go through them & keep clicking "play" icon to read about the styles you can add to your dreams.

3rd Menu ==> Sources codes: Are technical information about the bot.

4 ==> Dream: This is where you're using the bot to generate an image that suits your imagination. You'll be asked to select a version, choose the speed in generating your photo, select a clear resolution, & also writing a detailed description of what you're dreaming about 'what's on your mind'. Add styles to them & click submit & your photo will be ready in no time. PNG format.

5 ==> Contact button is enabled if you want to reach out to the developer. To get a faster response, you may want to be clear with your message.

6 ==> Supporting Philadelphia's growth is also enabled for donations to the open source project.

7 ==> Sample is used for new-users who needs a hint or idea of what to dream about or how-to dream. In one of the examples, you'll see "A boy running on the streets badly injured". That's a good example of a detailed description of a dream.

8 ==> Rules : Just like every other body, there are rules to be abided to wether or not this project is free requires sanctions for users who misuse such rights. Do not use spam commands, deviant dreams, & sexual content.

Consistent use with the bot aligns you accountable to the actions that follows the sanctions if you violate these terms. You may probably be banned.

8 ==> Developer button contains the name of the developer.

Thank youuuu.

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