Ethereum Monitoring

Provide up-to-date Ethereum gas prices. Set alert to enable the notification when the price reached the settings. Watch the transactions from your customers for payment notification, build-in fraud prevent. Watch 10K+ cryptocurrency price movement based

#eth  #cryptocurrency  #payment  #gas  #price 

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The all-in-one Ethereum Monitoring telegram bot. Watch gas price, transactions and coin price in one bot!

  • One bot can monitor Ethereum gas price, transactions and coin price.
  • Unknown coins will be marked to prevent fraud.
  • Got notified only when required.

Provide up-to-date Ethereum gas prices. Set alert to enable the notification when the price reached the settings.

Watch the transactions from your customers for payment notification, build-in fraud prevention.

Watch 10K+ cryptocurrency price movement based on price, volume, price change percentage of last day.

Add the bot in your telegram and you can start to enjoy all the functions.

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