Top 6 English Technology Channels in The Telegram
Telegram Channels  /  2019-02-27  /  272

Top 6 English Technology Channels in The Telegram

Here is a list of top 6 Telegram channels in the technology category. maybe there are more channels like these, but I have listed those channels added to our directory. (if you know other channels in technology, please add them to the Telegram Channels Directory )


Top 6 Telegram Channels in Technology

  1. Tech Guide
    Android, iOS, Windows, Computer related Tips, Tricks, Guide & News.

  2. Interesting Engineering
    Interesting Engineering is a cutting-edge, leading community designed for all lovers of engineering, technology, and science.

  3. Gadget News
    Gadget news - phones, drones, smartphones, robots, and stuff

  4. Perspective IX
    The Best of New Media & Technology. It's not for everyone. It's for you. Manchester, UK.

  5. The Conference
    The channel is about interesting events in business and tech all over the world - related news - discounts- and more

  6. Future Technologies
    The channel is about new technologies, original gadgets, and inventions, which in the near future will change our world.

you can find more channels in the technology category in Technology Telegram Channels. if you know more channels you can add them to the directory.


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