How telegram is more secure than other messaging platforms? How to keep your account more secure with telegram?
Bakkaprabhu Uppar  /  2023-02-04  /  86

How telegram is more secure than other messaging platforms? How to keep your account more secure with telegram?

Before starting the article, one fact I want to tell you the readers is that, your favourite messaging app can also track you. Even Jeff Bezos (Amazon Founder) also uninstalled WhatsApp from his mobile phone after knowing that he was often getting tracked it the application. So with this fact I'll start my article, just start reading and at the end I'll share some great tips to secure your account with Telegram, let's go🚀

Telegram Security

Telegram is considered to be more secure than other messaging platforms in several ways:

1. End-to-end encryption: Telegram provides end-to-end encryption for secret chats, ensuring that only the communicating parties can read the messages.

2. Cloud-based architecture: Telegram's cloud-based architecture allows it to store messages on servers around the world, making it harder for governments or hackers to gain access to user data.

3. Two-step verification: Telegram allows users to enable two-step verification, adding an extra layer of security to their accounts.

4. Open-source: Telegram's source code is open-source, allowing security researchers to examine and validate its security features.

5. Regular security updates: Telegram is actively developed, with regular security updates to address vulnerabilities and improve its overall security.

However, it is important to keep in mind that no messaging platform can guarantee 100% security, and users should still take steps to secure their accounts and protect their privacy.


Here are some steps you can take to keep your Telegram account secure:

1. Use a strong password: Use a strong and unique password for your Telegram account and avoid using it for any other websites or accounts.

2. Enable two-step verification: Telegram allows you to enable two-step verification, which adds an extra layer of security to your account.

Two Step Verification

3. Be cautious of links and attachments: Do not click on links or open attachments from unknown or suspicious sources, as they may contain malware or phishing attempts.

4. Keep your device secure: Keep your device secure by using a password or PIN, and keep it updated with the latest security patches.

5. Limit the information you share: Avoid sharing sensitive or personal information on Telegram, and be mindful of the information you make public in your profile.

6. Use secret chats: For particularly sensitive conversations, consider using Telegram's end-to-end encrypted secret chats.

7. Report suspicious activity: If you encounter any suspicious activity on Telegram, report it to the platform and take steps to secure your account.

Telegram Security

The last and very underrated mistakes people do is, they just type randomly "Telegram Web" on Google and login after scanning, it is totally not fine. You should always visit only. And also don't forget to check your sessions & remove older sessions regularly.

By following these steps, you can help keep your Telegram account secure and protect your privacy.

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