Ramana Maharshi | रमण महर्षि |

Ramana Maharshi is a Jivanmukta. This channel propagates His profound teachings based on Self Enquiry & Self Surrender, as direct path to Self Realisation. Feedback: @DivineMystic or @ramanamaharshi_bot For Spiritual Discussions :- t.me/SpiritualGroup

#ramana  #self_enquiry  #who_am_i?  #self_realisation  #surrender 

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Ramana Maharshi is a world famous Jivanmukta. He has been labelled by many as the Spiritual Giant of 20th Century. This channel propagates His profound teachings based on Self Enquiry and Self Surrender, as direct path to Self Realisation.

Feedback: @DivineMystic or @ramanamaharshi_bot

For Spiritual Discussions :- t.me/SpiritualGroup

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