
How To Abroad (HTA) is a startup that aims at helping people who want to Study Abroad and at present, the focus is on the Education sector in Germany.

#howtoabroad  #studyabroad  #studyingermany  #germaneducation  #germanuniversities 

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How To Abroad (HTA) is a startup, founded by two students from the University of Bayreuth. The main aim of this startup is to help people who want to Study Abroad and at present, this start up is focusing on the Education sector in Germany but soon it will look into other countries as well. We aspire to break down barriers through our open recruiting process, eradicate discrimination, and ensure equal opportunity.

Why Germany?

The founders used to get a lot of questions on how and where to apply and when it comes to Germany it gets more complicated as there is a different language (German) involved here and that brings along a new set of questions.

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