Simple Stock Bot

This bot aims to be as simple as possible while providing all the information you need on the stock market.

#finance  #stock  #stock_market  #crypto  #inline 

Start communication with Simple Stock Bot bot in your Telegram, by clicking on the "Send Message" button.


Thanks for using this bot, consider supporting it by buying me a beer. (

Keep up with the latest news for the bot in its Telegram Channel:

Full documentation on using and running your own stock bot can be found here. (


    - /donate amount in USD to donate. 🎗️

    - /dividend $symbol will return dividend information for the symbol. 📅

    - /intra $symbol Plot of the stocks movement since the last market open. 📈

    - /chart $symbol Plot of the stocks movement for the past 1 month. 📊

    - /news $symbol News about the symbol. 📰

    - /info $symbol General information about the symbol. ℹ️

    - /stat $symbol Key statistics about the symbol. 🔢

    - /help Get some help using the bot. 🆘

Inline Features

  You can type @SimpleStockBot [search] in any chat or direct message to search for the stock bots full list of stock symbols and return the price of the ticker. Then once you select the ticker you want the bot will send a message as you in that chat with the latest stock price. 

The bot also looks at every message in any chat it is in for stock symbols. Symbols start with a $ followed by the stock symbol. For example: $tsla would return price information for Tesla Motors. 

Market data is provided by IEX Cloud (

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