ROIDS101 | Anabolic Steroids, Fitness, Bodybuilding

Your no-bullshit guide in the gear world. Study-based research and guides on safe performance enhancement. Check out our website: We don't sell anything! Beware of scam and stay safe. For any info and questions: @roids101expert

#steroids  #fitness  #bodybuilding  #health  #sport 

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Best Anabolic steroids guides and advice on Telegram.

We won't sell you anything, but we will tell you all you need to know about bulking cycles and cutting on steroids. Anabolic steroids' side effects can be a real struggle, but you will not get shut down if you know how to run your gear. So, if you need any advice on:

  • How to avoid gynecomastia on gear;
  • How to get rid of acne on steroids;
  • What are the best steroids with the least side effects;
  • Which steroids are popular now and why;
  • How to get muscle gains and increase your strength;
  • How not to be a dumbass on PEDs and make it as safe as you can;

Feel free to enjoy the content we make and check out the website as well -

Again: we're the ONLY Telegram channel on steroids that will not try to sell you anything. We don't encourage you to use anabolic steroids. Let sources do their thing and ads do theirs. We're here to tell you how to deal with these compounds SAFELY and with the best possible results.

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