MS Token Channel

We post regular updates on the progress of the MS Token project and our NFT art business. We couldn’t have realized this project and the NFT business without the Millennium Sapphire, a work of fine art carved by renowned artist, Alessio Boschi.

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The Millennium Sapphire has inspired its owners to conduct a blockchain project where the Sapphire is tokenized on the Ethereum blockchain. The project aims to give accredited investors the opportunity to acquire fractional ownership of this historic treasure through the security token, MSTO.

The Millennium Sapphire is currently stored in a bank vault in the US in an undisclosed secured location. When in public, as it was during the aforementioned appearances, the Sapphire was accompanied by a security detail of former Secret Service agents.

Before the Millennium Sapphire was carved into its current form, it was an unnamed dark-blue gemstone discovered in Central Madagascar. From its sheer weight and size (89,850 carats, 17.97 kilograms/40 pounds, 29 cm long, 19 cm wide, 16 cm tall), this Sapphire was destined for greatness from the moment of its discovery.

In 1995, a miner discovered the Sapphire in Madagascar. The exact location of the discovery was, however, undocumented. All that’s known is that it was discovered in Central Madagascar.

Madagascar is an island nation in the Indian Ocean. It is located approximately 400 kilometers off the coast of East Africa.

Deep in the earth’s crust and under immense heat and pressure, oxygen, aluminum, titanium, and iron combined to form the Sapphire. Erosion, continental drift, and other geological forces eventually brought the rough gem to the surface, where the miner unearthed it.

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