Covid Medic Best of Channel

Medical Professionals teaming with Patriots posting MEDICAL INFO ONLY to uncover the truth behind Covid 19, testing, “vaccines”/jabs, legislation and adverse reaction monitoring. Our main goal is to EDUCATE so people TRULY are provided Informed Consent.

#covid  #vaccinated  #unvaccinated  #ivermectin  #hcq 

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Medical Professionals teaming with Patriots posting MEDICAL INFO ONLY to uncover the truth behind Covid 19, testing, “vaccines”/jabs, legislation and adverse reaction monitoring. Our main goal is to EDUCATE so people TRULY are provided Informed Consent. We have an open chat for everyone and talk about anything in the chat but stay on topic with the posts! Many concerned citizens of this world trying to save this world! Looking forword to your visit with us! We are working to save as many people as we can and get you healthy!

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